
The HI-8591 is a single ARINC 429 line receiver available in both 8-pin SOIC and 12-pin LPCC (chip-scale) packages. The product, designed with analog/digital CMOS technology, requires only a single 3.3V or 5V supply. In addition, the test inputs force both of the outputs to zero.

The HI-8591-40 allows an external 40 Kohm resistor to be placed in series with each ARINC input without affecting the ARINC input thresholds. The product is especially useful in applications where lightning protection is also required.



  • ARINC 429 Line Receiver Interface in a Small Outline and Chip-scale packages
  • 3.3V or 5V Single Rail Supply Voltage
  • ±30V Common-mode Performance
  • >140 KOhm Input Impedance
  • Lightning Protection Simplified With the Ability to Add 40 Kohm External Series Resistors (-40 only)
  • Receiver Input Hysteresis at Least 2 Volts
  • Test Inputs Bypass Analog Inputs and Force Digital Outputs to a One, Zero or Null State
  • Industrial & Extended Temperature Ranges Available
  • Plastic and Ceramic Package Options - Surface Mount and DIP



  • Avionics Data Communication
  • ARINC 429 to CMOS/TTL Level Conversion
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