HI-8382 / HI-8383

The HI-8382 / HI-8383 bus interface products are silicon gate CMOS devices designed as a line driver in accordance with the ARINC 429 bus specifications.

Inputs are provided for clocking and synchronization. These signals are AND'd with the DATA inputs to enhance system performance and allow the HI-8382 to be used in a variety of applications. Both logic and synchronization inputs feature built-in 2,000V minimum ESD input protection as well as TTL and CMOS compatibility.

The differential outputs of the HI-8382 are independently programmable to either the high speed or low speed ARINC 429 output rise and fall time specifications through the use of two external capacitors. The output voltage swing is also adjustable by the application of an external voltage to the VREF input. The HI-8382 has on-chip Zener diodes in series with a fuse to each differential output protecting the ARINC bus from an overvoltage failure. The outputs each have a series resistance of 37.5 ohms. The HI-8383 is identical to the HI-8382 except that the series resistors are 13 ohms and the overvoltage protection circuitry has been eliminated.

The HI-8382 and HI-8383 are intended for use where logic signals must be converted to ARINC 429 levels such as a user ASIC or the HI-8282 ARINC 429 Serial Transmitter/Dual Receiver or the HI-6010 ARINC 429 Transmitter/Receiver. Holt products are readily available for both industrial and military applications. Please contact the Holt Sales Department for additional information, including data sheets for the HI-8282 and HI-6010 products.



  • Low power CMOS
  • TTL and CMOS Compatible Inputs
  • Programmable Output Voltage Swing
  • Adjustable ARINC Rise and Fall Times
  • Operates at Data Rates up to 100Kbits
  • Overvoltage Protection
  • Industrial & Extended Temperature Ranges Available
  • DSCC SMD Part Number



  • Avionics Data Communication
  • CMOS/TTL to ARNIC 429 Level Conversion
  • CMOS/TTL to RZ & NRZ Level Conversion
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